

THE COMMITTEES of the several CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATIONS WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF GREENWICH, have great pleasure in announcing to Constituency, that the VISCOUNT MAHON, M.P., and SIR HENRY WATSON PARKER have, at the request of the United Associations, consented to become Candidates for the honor of representing this Borough in the New Parliament, - and that the selection thus made has already received the unanimous approval of one of the largest and most enthusiastic Meetings ever held within the limits of the Borough. 
In making this announcement the COMMITTEES feel it due to the ELECTORS to bring under their notice the strong claims which BOTH THE CANDIDATES possess to their warm and cordial support. 
LORD MAHON is the eldest son of the EARL STANHOPE of Chevening Park, Sevenoaks, in the Western Division of this County. Of EARL STANHOPE'S personal claims to the admiration and respect of all who value the highest cultivation of mind, united to lofty and generous principles, and unswerving rectitude of conduct, both in public and private life, it is unnecessary here to speak.
Of LORD MAHON it may suffice to say, that he is the worthy and accomplished Son of a distinguished Father. His Lordship is at present one of the two sitting Members for Leominster, - a Borough which, under the New Reform Act, will henceforward return only one Member to Parliament. - He would, in the natural course of things, have sought at the hands of the Constituency of that Borough a renewal of their confidence, but finding that the interests of the great Conservative Party would be best promoted by his giving place to his Elder Collegue (a resident in that neighbourhood, and deservedly possessing great local and family influence), his Lordship at once determined to withdraw from a contest which might have jeopardized the interest of the Cause, and now places his services at your disposal. 
SIR HENRY WATSON PARKER was born, educated, and long resident in the adjoining Parish of Lewisham, - is a member of a Family well known and deservedly respected in the Borough, and some of whom still reside within its limits or in its immediate vicinity. About thirty years since he entered into public and official life, and accompanied to New South Wales Sir GEORGE GIPPS, the then Governor of the Colony, as his Private Secretary. The evidence he soon gave of his abilities and capacity, shortly afterwards induced the Advisers of the Crown to appoint him a Member of the Legislative Council of the Colony, and when Representative Constitutions were afterwards substituted for such Council, Sir HENRY WATSON PARKER was twice returned to the House of Assembly at the head of the Poll, as the Representative of the CONSERVATIVE PARTY. He subsequently became PRIME MINISTER of the Colony, and on his return to this Country he was graciously rewarded by HER MAJESTY with the honour of Knighthood, in recognition of his long, faithful, and meritorious services.
 The Committees feel confident that the Constituency will welcome both the Candidates as eminently fitted to do honor to their choice, and as well calculated to protect and advance both the local interests of the Borough, and the general interests of the Colony, in the all-important epoch which is now commencing. 
The Committees earnestly request the favor of the enclosed Form being returned at the earliest convenience (if possible by return of Post), stating if you will kindly support by your Vote LORD MAHON AND SIR HENRY WATSON PARKER. 
By Order, JOHN YOUNG, Chairman.
Central Committee Room, Greenwich, 4th NOVEMBER, 1868.

Current Status: 
Ready for review