Volume 63: Lady Parker and Sir H. Watson Parker papers, 1829-1889: No. 005
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forth to show that is with in a higher degree
than love. Your letters to the other individuals
of the family circle are always perused
by me with an avidity that end in ashes.
Your smile & sometimes perhaps a laugh
escapes me and I say to myself if I had
written to dear Edward. I might have had a
longer letter than this to display". But
lots misleading ink the good resolution not
followed I have near yet had the courage
to hope a better to you. Perhaps when I hear
that you are at home even more I may
be in more constant correspondence
after that dear Edward should be a very
stupid one. The mere long day unclear
of this place cannot possibly interest
you and is for home details. Her view
of the stupid monotonous life we lead
beveled fine for this horrors. I certainly
may for this I read your letters fine.
(lines across)
Philip reached Rio in safety & fine thus his letter
was favourited. One letter to James with hate
for this W. Bowman and also many in love
inhabiting close to 'loves" pretty College. I need
not say I'm glad for all I've been thru so free as love.
So much the passion I'm inbreed is fit small love
So who to my club since James' departure. Mr
W. Bowman is a charming little fellow the picture of
health and your humour and our often risk
surprised children I am much with. We're one
circle not a such and much risk I'm rumoured for
affected love to dear John & yourself. He nor I could
be for leaving such to scribble. I am afraid of
being not lot for the post and have not another recount after.
for bliss to my warmest loved.