State Library of NSW
4. before in this my will mentioned or devised, I will devise and bequeath the same unto and amongst my dearly beloved wife and all my children share and share alike and my will and desire and intention is that the estates real or personal in this my will devised unto such of my children as shall happen to of the age of twenty one years or married at the time of my disease, shall be delivered and devised to them respectively at any time that they shall require the same to be done but not sooner than six months after my disease, and the estates real or personal in this my will devised to such of my children as shall happen to be under the age of twenty one years or unmarried at the time of my disease shall be delivered and devised to such child respectfully as they become of the age of twenty one years or be married whichever shall first happen. And I further will and devise and my intention is that as to all by real estates devised in this my will that in the event of the death of any of my children without issue the estate devised unto such child or children shall in such case go to and be divided amongst amongst my surviving sons, share and share alike as tenants in common, and as to my personal I will and devise and my intention is that the share and proportion thereof which shall or will by virtue of this my will come to any of my children which shall happen to die under the age of twenty one years without issue or being married the share and proportion of any child so dying shall go to and be divided amongst my said dearly beloved wife and the surviving children share and share alike. And whereas I have expended a considerable sum of money in the improvement of the farm and lands of [indecipherable] Grove, in this my will before devised to my son Samuel which renders it of more value than any of the [indecipherable] devised to my other sons, I do hereby will, devise and [indecipherable] the said farm and lands with [indecipherable]
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