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articles for any thing else this being the case you [know then?] there can be but little prospect of carrying on the Mission for we must to all appearance either supply them with Guns and ammunition or starve but to starve whilst there is provisions to be had by some means or another would be sinful - Therefore we must part with Guns and ammunition but this I contend is equally as bad and indeed perhaps worse for my being without food will only occasion my own death whereas in supplying the Natives with Guns I put into their possession the means which in their present barbarous state will unquestionably prove fatal in robing many poor [Women/Wives?] of their Husbands and many innocent children of their lives this has already been the sad effect of wars which have taken their [rise?] from a partys knowing their great superiority over those who know not the use of Arms. I can give you little information respecting my engagements here as I have not yet entered upon the [interior?] Field however I shall feel it my duty to give you (every opportunity) an account of this place and the proceedings here I shall conclude this letter by subscribing myself - Your affectionate Brother in Christ James Haywood
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