Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 221

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Tahiti Matavai 17th of
February 1813

My dear friends
May Jehovah and Jesus Christ bless you and me also, this evil man whose crimes are accumulated.
I perfectly agree to your request in your letter you lately wrote to me, my permission to cut down the Tamance & Amae. Cut them down without regarding consequences for a keel for our Vessels what will be the consequence? shall we be destroyed by the evil spirits? we cannot be destroyed by them. We have a great Saviour Jesus Christ. where you lead regardless of consequences, I this evil man will follow.
The three One can (or will) make me good. I venture with my guilt / or evil deeds to Jesus Christ; tho' I am not equaled in wickedness, not equaled in guilt, not equaled in obstinate disobedience & rejection of the truth, thus this very wicked man may be saved by Jehovah and Jesus Christ.
I have a daughter born, Saturday the 3rd of the present February is the day she was born: I did not know of her birth being at Hetea'a; by the time we came here to Matavai she was born.

Send me some sugar for to sweeten peas for her, two small cups, and also two small spoons to feed her with the sugar and pea. Matavai has been delivered up to me: when I am perfected assured of the sincerity of this surrender I will write another letter, my dear friends. It is reported here among the peoples that there is a Ship at Emeo, perhaps it is Captain Campbell. There is a great many

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