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from my Bill and let me know what remains unpaid. I shall be glad to hear that the Mare etc go on well, or whether you have yet got any hornd cattle for me in her stead. As it respects the affairs of the Mission here to be our Brother H will give you every information Our Passage here was remarkable, only 28 Days from Sidney. We had not one days foul wind nor one days Calm all the voyage, and Cap W behaved very well and obliging. The death of three of our little number was rather shocking news to us on our first arrival, but all things shall work together for good, if God is glorified that is the greatest possible good. I must not forget to acknowlege your kind treatment when in the Colony and my great obligations on that account. To Mrs Hassall I desire to present my Christian love and hearty thanks for her great kindness and attention. To Master Thomas and Samuel I purpose
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