[MS 288]
of the Revd Mr Marsden
Mens Wages
for six
30 June 1809
[MS 289]
Victualing List
Mr Buff _____________ 8 h
Mr Palphrey _________ 8 h
Mr Swathren_________ 8 h
Mr Smith _________ 8 h
Mr Ashford__________ 8 h
Mr Lewis _________ 8 h
Mr Clifford _________ 72
Mr ?? _________ 80
Mr Orsborn _____________ 80
Mr Hall _______ __ 80
Mr Blake_________ 80
Mr Harris _________ 80
Mr Boany __________ 08
To Pork Recd. from Harrox
To Mr Marsden's Beef
issued to the men
To 12 Men for 5 weeks
and six men for 1 week
to 11 men for 25 weeks
Palphrey wheat for traveling
at 15 lb per week per man
tottal 80 1/2 bushels & 5 lbs
Corn for 13 ox for two weeks
B ? 1bs
tottal 6:3:2
Mr Marsdens Horse Champion
30 Bushels of Corn
36: 3: : 12 lbs
?? Horses while in
??? 3 Bushels
[MS 289 - right hand column]
Recd for Rents
From Wm Blady 40 B of W.
But said Blady Dr for threshing
_______ ________ __________
From Recd Alcorn 20 B of Wheat
and 16 Bushels of Corn and
40 lbs of Pork
From Hugh Burne £12: 13s : 6d
Recd from In: Emory £19 : 0s ;: 0d
in part of a Note of hand
for an allotment of Land
Brought for Horroxs Pork
Alcorn 984 lbs
Reduced for Bladys 48_____
936 lbs at 1: 1 1/2
per lb
£52: 13: 0
Brought over Horroxs Corn
39 : 3 : 12 lns
Reduced for Alcorn :
? ? lbs__
23 L 3 L 12 at 5 s per Bush
s d
£5 : 19 : 9
For Buffs Horse one Brush£
and one Comb £0 : 10 : 0
to 7 lbs of pork Lard 0 : 10 : 0
For Carriage of Wheat
60 bushells __________ £3 : ?
To three Bottles of oil
for sheep
£62 : 14 : 9