State Library of NSW
[MS 268]
I did expect to have been out before this time or I should have write to you upon the subject - Should Mr Savage send instructions to sell his cattle you will have the Goodness to retain a sum your hands sufficient to liquidate nearly the sum of £400 - money advanced to him in London by a friend of mine for which I became answerable if Mr Savage should not write about them nothing will be done in the business till I arrive with you - Should you have any money in your hands belonging to me from the sale of my stock after Mr Campbell's departure I will thanks you to remit the same in your Bills to Mr Wilson, and not to pay and into the Hands of Mr Campbell's agent - As he may be a stranger to me - Mrs M. is in Hull - I intend to leave London in a day or two for that place & we have had no arrivals yet from N.S. Wales and are very anxious to know what you are about.
[MS 269]
I can form no opinion what will be the ? of the revolution with you, but am afraid it will be attended with very serious consequences to some concerned - Government are very much displeased with the matter - with to leave England now as soon as I can - but when it will be I know not - I shall not attempt to come not tell I know what state the Settlement is in - I wish all may be quiet with you - but I am not without fears that this will not be the case - I shall bring not two or three pious men with me when I come out and am doing all I can for the Schools - I shall get what I can for Government to remunerate the School Masters, and if it should not appear to me sufficient I will apply to some of my friends who will not be afraid of a few pounds to promote the Good of the poor Children in the Settlement Give my kind respect to Mrs Crook and Mrs B and also to Mrs Hassall- I have just heard that that my Bull and Heifer were well at Rio I am yours truly Saml. Marsden
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