State Library of NSW
[MS 262]
We find the hearers of Kissing Point decies and government having given up cultivation at Castle hill there is no persons to hear in that settlement but divine service is carried on by us Hawkesburys and Kissing Point every other Sabath
[MS 263]
Head Quarters 26 Jany 1808
The present alarming state of the Colony having induced the principal Inhabitants to call upon me to interpose the Military power for their relief, and to place His Excellency Governor Bligh in arrest, I have with the advice of my officers considered it necessary for the good of His Majesty's Service to comply with the requisition of the Inhabitants - I do therefore hereby proclaim Martial Law in this Colony to which all person are commanded to submit until measures can be adopted for the restoration of the Civil Law on a permanent foundation.-
GO 27th
Ricd Atkins Esqr Judge Advocate is suspended from that office - Edward Abbott Esqr is appointed Judge Advocate during his suspension - Anth F. Kemp Esqr - John Harris Esqr - Thos Jamieson Esqr - Cho Grimes Esqr Minchin Esqr - J Blaxland Esqr - Esqr are appointed Magistrates and those persons who have heretofore performed the duties of that office are
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