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themselves deserving of that Protection which I felt it was my duty to give them and which I doubt not they will continue to merit -
In future no man Shall have Just cause to complain of Violence injustice or Oppression - no Freeman shall be taken - imprisoned or deprived of his house land or liberty by the law Justice shall be impartially administered without regard to or respect of persons and every man shall enjoy the fruits of his industry in security -
your conduct has endeared you to every well disposed Inhabitant in this Settlement - persevere in the same honourable Path, and you will establish the credit of the New South Wales Corps on a basis not to be shaken -
God save the
By commission of his Honour the -
Lieut Govr
Nicholas Bayley Secretary
Headquarters }
Jan. 27th 1808 }
This ushered in our new Government and you can easily perceive what applause was due to the military for their soldier like exploits in Obtaining a victory over a few defenceless civilians that they ought to have supported;
On the 12 Feby - John McArthur Esqr was appointed a magistrate and Colonial Secretary by moves he got to the head of Public
[MS 245]
affairs - there has been several changes but time forbid inlargement - The effects of this Revolution is heavily felt in the church - in the silencing of the Rev Henry Fulton for his adherence to His Excellency at the time he was deposed through which - circumstance / as there is no other regular Clergyman in this extensive settlement / - marriages are performed by the Magistrates and the administration of the sacraments omitted and frequently the dead buried without the least ceremony. The Sabbath becomes neglected and profained.
In most Revolutions we find that some of the Members of the Old Government are set up as marks of envy and revenge which proved to be the case with some of the chief constables apprehended John McArthur Esqr for forcing a door where it was suspected McArthur was secreted that an action of damages brought against him at the Civil Court for £500 by McArthur's partner Mr Blaxcell which action appeared to be so groundless to the Plaintiff that about 3 weeks since he with-drew it - Mr Gore the Provost Marshall was also thrust into Jail brought before