State Library of NSW
[MS 204]
Charles continues very thin, since I wrote last I thought we should have lost him with a very bad fever but he is now recovering with kind respect to all friends I remain yr Sincere Friend E. Marsden
Mr Rowland Hassall Parramatta New South Wales
when you see Mrs Cox remember me too her and I wonder I have not heard from her - I have wrote to he twice - we had letter from Mr Cox last week ie appears very anxious to be out again excuse this hasty letter
[MS 205]
Mr Marsden sheep supposed to be stole
1808 July 19 2 Cows found on Finlays Block identified by Mr Smith 20 3 " " " " " " by Mr Polfey [?]
Mr Hassall sheep supposed to be stolen
1808 July 21 3 Cows found in Findays Block identified by John Paidphary & James Hancox
Mr Hancox Sheep supposed to be Stolen
1808 July 22 2 Wethers & ewe the ewe by Paulphony in Lindays Block identified by Joseph Smith
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