State Library of NSW
[MS 95b]
Mr Rowland Hassall Storekeeper Parramatta New South Wales
Dear Brother Hassell Otaheite After long absence I write again to you hoping you and yours are in good health of body and soul. The reason of my [indecipherable] [indecipherable] [indecipherable] [indecipherable] because the last letter to you came back and caused some [indecipherable] to me though I know not any[thing] but the truth and not to be retracted. [indecipherable] [man] I wrote about. I have [seen] nothing conduct since worse then in my [indecipherable] I send you this in confidence [indecipherable] you have read it. but I hope I shall [indecipherable] nothing untrue. I think I may say [indecipherable] had a long winter of troubles here [indecipherable] my self have been burdend from [indecipherable] and I say salvation is of the Lord [indecipherable] but Caution [....] it. He hath been my help and my [shield] blessed be his dear name. [As I said] Years as man is born to travail [......] to Love this [......] is not
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