Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 047

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[MS 85]

Dr B. Shelley Parramatta November 17th 1802
Sister Shelley It being so short a period since your  willing to improve ] found opportunity of wishing to you departure - I have nothing much [new news] to write about as the Venus to sail [tomorrow] in the morning. I should wish to improve this early conveyance just to request you in short of things in general.
I have only time to drop drop a line but through your request I cannot let this opertunity [opportunity] slip - 
   my last to you was dated Novr the sixth 1802, by which I hope you received the articles you made mention of to me
save the articles you left with me are still in hand, [some] the fishing tackle and a few of the matts which are sold and I expect they will all go in a short time, you had better send me word by the first opertunity [opportunity] what you wish in return
     This country at this date is in Great distress and altho Wheat is so very dear the farm farmers are Starving for Bread, but we fully expect the harvest to begin in about 14 days when their wants will be 

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