[MS 70]
Sell at a much better price than those brought from England we left Mr Burton and the family with the [Plomes?] at New Zealand, they intended sailing for the Cape of Good Hope to dispose of the Cargo. She ought to have been at the Cape three months before us, therefore I suppose she is either taken by the Natives or lost in the roads. We sailed from the Cape to St. Helena were we remained 9 days, and from thence to England, were we arrived the 2nd July 1802 off Dover, when Capt n W. put me ashore with the [?] Companies Pacquet, to proceed to London, which you may be sure was no small treat to me, after such a long absence. I found my friends all well, who were heartily glad to see me again. Brs. Nobbs & Bill Puckey are all of our party I have yet seen. My poor Dinah is well and has been anxiously waiting my return. Perhaps in my next you may hear of our union at the altar of the Lord, which I sincerely wish; should the finger of a kind providence point out our way, so no more upon that subject at present. The kind attention, and generosity of Captain Wilson exceeds more than I could ever expect. Several excellent situations have offered, and Captain W. will give security for my conduct should it be required. We heard of the Preliminaries of Peace at the Cape. but at Sea the definition and, blessed be God, in England we have plenty, at present, the crops look full and Heavy,and laden for our future support, and comfort; but the weather has been much against it's ripening, it has rained successively for a month, with very little intermission. The Political world seems at present quietly disposed, but the Algerians, have been troublesome to different powers. It has been reported and generally believed, that they have declared War against the States of America. The Bay of Tunis has been blockaded this some time past by an American Squadron.
[MS 71]
I am sorry to inform you, that as Dr. Hawies was driving a Chaise with an Otaheitean with him. they unfortunately turned over, by which accident the Dr. broke his arm, and otherwise much bruised himself. it is expected he will recover, but he is at, present dangerously ill. If you have received any payments on my Acct. if you can, remit me a few pounds, but if you have disposed of the money, don't put yourself to the least illconvenience. tho' it would be acceptable to me.
Please give my respectfull compliments to Mr S & Mrs Marsden and to my friends in general at Port Jackson, to whom I am so much indebted, and I diarise constantly to retain a true sense of gratitude, and the great obligations I am under - If you have not settled with [?], I hardly think he should be spared. but do as you think proper. My kind love and affection to Mrs H. and the family. and be assured
I am your dear friend & Bro
W. Smith
PS. I should be glad to hear from you by every conveyance do write 3 or 4 lines to say you are all well
the state of the Colony. the Market JJ -
at Mr Mrs James Smith}
Bedfordshire} my address
Dinahs love to the family.