[MS 46]
It is well that the fullfilment of the prom-
ises in the book of God do not depend on the faithfulness of any of the sons of Adam. In every age, some like Judas proved traitors to their Lord and master, yet his cause will prosper, and that in spite of all obstacles. But as I am in haste I must be short,
I hope that you, and your family are
in health, as we are at pressent, (except Mrs Henry
as you will hear) however at present she is much
better. The gloomy appearance of the missionary cause in these parts of the world, when we left our native land and especially, when at New South Wales, in some measure prepared our minds to expect the worst that might happen so on our arrival here, we were agreeably disappointed on seeing the Porpoise at anchor in the Bay and finding our Brethren in health and safety. We have reason to hope that the Day is at hand, when some of the cloud will be dispelled, and the glorious sun of righteousness to appear in these regions of darkness and superstition, yea, when its healing
[MS 47]
influences will spread far and wide, and these nations, that have been from time immemorial, as it were, the objects winked at, and passed by in the sovereign Government of Jehovah, yet now to be favoured with the high priviledges that others have been partakers of for thousands of years past. May the happy period speedily arrive, when the good news will be made known among all the nations of the Earth, that Jesus my fully see of the travail of his soul and will be satisfyed.
I should be very glad to hear from time to time the state of religion in N.S.Wales as I am full persuaded that the Gospel was not sent there for nought, let the pressent appearances of things be ever so discouraging. Remember me to the Revd. Mr Marsden, and to Mrs Marsden, and to all that love the prosperity of Zion. I should be glad to hear how they come on at Kissing Point, and wish to be remembered to Mr Sheppard and Mathew Hughes. So I conclude, assuring you that I am your sincere Brother and well wisher.
John Davies