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We had a fine sham fight yesterday and met quite a lot of our old friends from the 7th Brigade, Major Vernon, Lt Sutton, Col Meredith, Major Williams, Lt Col Merrington & several others. They were out on the desert all day. The 1st Brigade had to get into Ma'adi by 4 o'clock and seize our big supply of stores. The 2nd Brigade had to drive them back and throw our stores across the Nile.   We had a ding dong go all day, & by 3 o'clock though they had driven our 6th Regiment back, we had taken up a position which would have required   2 brigades to shift us.   So the honours were with us when the cease fire sounded..   The hour is late and the midnight oil burneth low in the lamp.   Hence good friends and country women & men, I must away to my still virtuous couch.

It seems unlikely that I will be lucky enough to write many more letters so be charitable if only post cards (or Silence) come your way. Give my best respects to all enquiring friends (and please show this letter to Farmer Whyte & Percy Allen and remember me very kindly to both) Give all the nephewses and nieces a big hug for me & if Jim has his hand in he might kiss any girl for me that   I have inadvertently overlooked   in my correspondence. I'm still fit & well and my horses are fine. Bluegum bolted with me the other  day and gave me quite an exciting half hour.   But its a long way to the end of the desert and Bluegum tired first.

Best love to all
Yours to command

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