Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 144
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[Page 144]
26.8.15 Gallipoli
My dear Jessie Jean
I knew you'd do it an' you did. Just when I get a nice little billet doux finished for you & Jean Beggs & Jean Kyle & Betty Jean you send me a 5 line letter & expect a 50 line answer. You must have tons of paper & very little ink. You gave me 2 nice big sheets of paper but only a very little bit of ink. on it. However I spose I must put up with your idiosyncrasies & delinquencies & peccadilloes & contrarinesses & obstreperousness. But I'll have my revenge later on. I'll put you in a book & make you out even worse than you are now.
I've already written 3 times as much as your last so in the words of the prophet
So long
PS Ill give you some news next time.
PPS Im quite well. PPPS Hope youre the same Ol