Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 162
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[Page 162]
think Bean went too far in denying them altogether. I dont think all the men who told the stories can possibly have imagined them all. I have absolute evidence of 2 mutilation cases . And we know they are using bullets which inflict shocking injury. They reverse the bullets in the cartridge & then blow a mans head off when they hit. I've seen several cases of this. Re Larkins. There were wild stories of his being mutilated. They were all fabrications. When found he had some bullet wounds that killed him but nothing else. Re Brand. This is quite true. Awful luck for him. Killed by his own sentry. Battle here still rages. 1st Light Horse has been cut up horribly. Our Brigade 400 casualties to date - 70 killed (If that is published dont attribute it to me).
Love to mother & all at home.
Your son nol