Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 4
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that will have to wait till my return. You will have to give me credit for good intentions. Oh Viva please remember me very kindly to Ozzy & give my love to Jean [Begg?] & her sister & the Curtins &c.
I wanted to send a love message to Else (are you listening Red head) & to Bubbles & to express the hope that next Summer I will be again surfing with you. But the mail is closing & I have to rush. We all sleep on deck now & last night a tropical shower came down & drove the whole crowd to shelter. I slept through it & woke up drenched. Tell Bonnie (Fan) that Shannon is well & hearty, also tell Anne (Jean) that Parkes & Reid & Smithy & Worrell & Brown & Quintal are all very well. Oh I forgot to tell you the best news of all. Let me whisper. I am growing a moustache. Regulations demand it. I can distinctly see a dark smudge on my lip. Will keep you posted as to its progress. If worthy I will photograph it. It looks like this now [drawn dots in shape of moustache]. Good bye my darlings
Yours Ol