Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 172
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Gallipoli 12.9.15
My dear little Jean:-
I suppose that I ought to be out in front cleaving the Turks head & sniping & bombing & a lot of other interesting things. But just for luck I'm sitting in my little dugout in the hill & writing love letters to you.
Had quite a novel experience the other night. A stray bullet from Quinns Post zipped through the roof of my dugout, graciously missed my thick head by 2 ½ inches, pinged through my tobacco tin, penetrated a box, and finishing up its entertaining career in a sandbag. If I think of it I will ferret it out when we move & put it on a gold chain & make a bracelet trinket for ....? Oh, I suppose you'll want it.
Thats the second bullet in my dugout & I've also had welcome visits by 2 pieces of shrapnel shell. All of which goes to prove that little Ollie has a charming, I mean charmed life (It has been hinted that I am being reserved for hanging).
As Ive remarked in letters to other & less distinguished members of the family, the mail has at last arrived. When I tell you that I have received no fewer than 300 (liar) (run away you little boys) I mean 30 letters you will understand that it is no small task to churn out replies to all of them. As I've received 2 letters from you I will write in return two - sides of this paper. You must not be greedy. The various