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with shrapnel & a rifle 5 yards off  was cut in two with a piece of shell. Major Lynch was lying between me & Col Ryrie & a bullet smashed onto a  rock next to the Major's head. The most narrow shave was when a shrapnel shell went past over Col Ryrie's head & passed between me and the Colonels batman. It shrieked as it passed, and I thought my last hour had come. I always was lucky but this was too good to last. The 5th, 6th & 7th Regts have had several casualties - so has 1st Brigade.

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Tom Sutton & Al Crystal & Harold Price are all well. Saw them today. Think Les Holmes is still in Maadi. We were all delighted in getting away from Maadi at last but I think the bulk of the us would be glad to be back there now. I dont mind admitting I would.

We are all entrenched amongst these rugged hills & snipers are very busy. Its not very congenial work for Light Horsemen. Just above us are cannon. When

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