Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 42

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[Page 42]

The fine dust penetrated every where and covered everything. We could not see the Moqattam Hills [Mokattam] which overlook the Camp, after a while.   Then it obscured the tents and the horse lines. Soon the whole camp was enveloped in the cloud. After about 8 hours work & play, the wind veered round to the North.   Then the cool North wind from the green Delta came along, sent all the sand & dust & heat back towards the Equator and gave us a sweet respite.

Will it please you to know that I have not failed to attend Church once since landing in Egypt.   Stay. Lest you attribute to me too much virtue let me hasten to add that as Brigade Orderly Officer   I am responsible for the arrangements for Divine Service & have to see all the troops into a huge Cinema tent where we hold service. Stay: again lest you should attribute to me too little virtue let me again hasten to add that I have 4 times attended Service in Cairo when no duty called me.   Stay again: To tell the whole truth: Twice of the four times I was prompted to go because a famous English baritone was singing the solos. The other twice there was a bun  fight at the end of the service. So I am not so very virtuous after all......

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