Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 29

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[Page 29]

Stamp for Ivor
2nd Light Horse Brigade AIF 10.2.15

Maadi Egypt.

My dearest Anne
Let me get the only item of bad news off my chest straight away. I nearly cut three fingers off my right hand about a week ago. Sheer Carelessness.   But am progressing nicely and can hold a pen again.

All the rest is good news. I have received my first Australian mail & a dozen welcome letters   came to hand.   Yours I must answer straight   now. I was delighted to get it.   I am a curious creature.   Despite my wanderings now and in the past I have never been homesick. Yet I often think of you all at home, wonder how you are all going on & sigh regretfully when I think of all the things I should have done to help you all - and yet left them undone.   I dont seem to have many things that   I  have done that I regret but I do think of all the   things I have left undone.   I would love to butt in at [Surbiton?] now and then to see how you are all getting on. Yet I would not be out of this for anything in the world. You know the only row  I ever had

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