Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 7

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[Page 7]

Doubtless by this you will have heard that our fellows dived off some of the boats & swam ashore at -------. It was just a manifestation of high spirits & devil may care bravado & there was no harm done. But we Light Horsemen were out of it. We didn't stop at -------   We came straight on to   -------   & behaved like little angels. The main reason for our good behaviour was that none of the men were allowed ashore. But my luck was in again. I put in quite the most interesting day I have spent for years at ------. [Aden]    I went with Col Ryrie to the Military Headquarters then went to the   ------ Club & consumed a number of beverages. (This is a very hot & thirsty place mind you). The Chief concoction is called the Perseus Cocktail. Five of them   are guaranteed to make a Methodist missionary dance a Tango & half a dozen would play havoc with the puritanical principles of the whole Evangelical Council. Being still something of a wowser I was quite satisfied with two. One at 11am & one at 5pm.
The skipper of our ship, the Colonel, the Adjutant &

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