Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 6

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I have blue pencilled so many thousand love letters that I can't very well kick over the traces myself.
Anyhow the papers are certain to let you know where we are very soon, most probably long before you get this.
I wrote you at the End of the first stage of the journey, just as we left Australia's shores. Also I wrote at the end of the second stage when we stopped for a few days at -----?     These you should have received long ago. Again when I first set foot on shore of Asia (I think that is harmless) I wired home saying "Excellent Health Oliver Hogue". That also I hope you got. The Cable  folk had received orders that Christian names were not to be sent alone. So I could have signed it 'Hogue' but as you might have thought it was Jack or some other wandering boy from the Hogue Clan, I added the Oliver for luck.
Now we are in the third & final stage of our long long journey to the Antipodes. We expect to land in a few days & put in a bit of training before the real fun begins. We are hoping to get a slap at the Unspeakable Turk first of all to get our hand in & then run along & give Kaiser Bill his quietus with a bare bodkin or bayonet.

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