Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 113

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[Page 113]

Had another great swim this morning (1-6-15).   When the dirty dogs open fire on the beach there is a warning whistle & we all rush in to shelter.   We had a great set to a couple of nights ago.   The Turks mined one of one trenches & rushed in & captured it.   This was the affair at "Quinn's Post".   We counter attacked & retook the trench, killed & captured several Turks & collared one of their trenches.   Some of the 10th Light Horse stuck there without supports.   The Turks threw hand grenades but Corporal Renwick was a good cricketer & he caught the bombs & threw them back before they exploded.   The Turks made a determined attack to recapture the position & charged in strong force, but our chaps all along the line enfiladed them with rifle & machine gun fire & they were eventually repulsed with a loss of about 2000.  

I was in the trenches last night with Col Ryrie but nothing very exciting happened.   In this war generals & brigadiers & staff officers are in & out of the trenches all the time.  
Had a great submarine scare yesterday.   Four

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