Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 86

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[Page 86]

Ma'adi   Egypt   15.4.15

My dear Home Folk,
That includes the same bunch of relations & friends as has been honoured with brief mention in this series of circular letters from the seat of ----- peace.   For despite the fact that we are some thousands of miles from Sunny New South Wales, we are still peacefully sitting down on the edge of of the desert.   The bulk of the Australian division has left, but the horsemen have to wait a little longer till a landing has been effected.

So much for intro.   We are thus still on inactive service.   My horses are getting too fresh on account of inaction or too little work.   'Bluegum' bolted with a Trooper the other day & then with me.   'Jean' bolted with me & did a mile in even time over the desert.   'Herald' bolted with a trooper & threw him.   But he never meant no harm nohow.   He was just in a hurry to get 'ome.   Herald never bolts with me.   Now & then he pulls a bit but just to show he is in a playful mood.   He is quite the favourite.

My first real item of news is a confession.

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