Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 59

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[Page 59]

Ashfield 98. Oh, is that you, Ida. Glad to hear your cheery voice again. There are many nice nurses over here at Mena & Heliopolis but none so nice as you. Fair dinkum. You would like the great Heliopolis hospital. It is the most gorgeous place Ive seen for years. Many hundreds of rooms & beautifully furnished. Said to be the second largest hotel in the world. All marble walls & stairways & stained windows & palatial corridors. And magnificent verandahs etc. I gave your message to Sister Holliday (Ting Ting).

William St   gave me Mrs Alf Edward. No I dont know the number. Her hubby is a policeman. Oh Thanks. That you Mrs Alf? Alf in ? No, thats good. Now dont make excuses. Youve forgotten me. You dont love me any more. You'll be singing "Steer my barque" to some other bloke while I'm away. And after all your promises. The idea.   Now dont go expostulating 'cos it dont suit you. You'll have to give me a party when I return (pardon, if I return) to make up for this neglect. (Buzz. Traffic Superintendent speaking). Oh Lord, Heres Alf. I'm off.   Ting Ting.

Did I tell you girls about buying a handkerchief with King George in one corner, Kitchener in another, French in another, Jellicoe in another and generals, and dooks & hearls all round. Well I brought this hankie as it seemed my only chance of poking my nose into high society. But I dont need the hankie any longer. I've met a dozen generals, many Knights & ladies & yesterday I tead with a Prince.. Must tell you all about it. Prince Kamal etc etc,

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