Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 160

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[Page 160]

hundreds of prisoners & much ammunition & rifles & some machine guns. I am  not allowed to give particulars.

One bit of bad luck I've already told Jean about. A barge full of mail (250 bags)   was sunk by an unlucky Turkish shell. Weve had no mail for 3 weeks & I fear that all our letters are on the bottom of the Mediterranean. There is another mail due soon. I hope we will have better luck with that.   I'm hoping this letter gets away all right. I'm not expecting to write any for some time. Were pushing on though it is costing us many casualties, the enemy positions being very strong.

The General is well. So are Les Holmes, Al Chrystal  & Harold Price.
I've had so many lucky escapes that I'm sure I'll come through alright.

Oceans of Love
Your wandering boy

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