Item 01: Oliver Hogue letters, November 1914-29 December 1915 - Page 127

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Still in Ye Dugout
Anzac 9.6.15

My dear Jessie Jean:-
Exactly 3 weeks since we landed on this hospitable ? shore & still the war wages. I think I am a little thinner & I fear me that there are one or two more grey hairs. But otherwise I be very well thank you kindly Miss Hogue.   I have not shave my head like a lot of the men, but I've cropped off all my beautiful curls.   Then with a week's growth of whiskers to enhance my fatal beauty. I can assure you that I am a veritable picture of chivalry - but a Roundhead rather than a Cavalier. We have sorties at night & we blow up each others trenches & exchange bombs, take turn for turn with shrapnel so there is no fear of us dying of ennui. Each feat of sapping brings the trenches nearer each other.   We are hoping one day to get close enough to pounce on them and push them off the map. I sleep like a top with the cannonade for a lullaby. I eat like a horse but hard biscuits are rather a bore & bully beef does get tiresome. However I still have a whole skin - which is something to cable home about. I have cabled home 4 times since the fun really began. Hope you got them all. Envelopes are scarcer than pure gold here so I must ask you to send on the enclosed. Cant get envelopes for love or money.

Lots of love to all
Your affectionate brother Ol.


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