Volume 63: Lady Parker and Sir H. Watson Parker papers, 1829-1889: No. 558

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pg 558

it is not supposed that the state of [indecipherable] will be [indecipherable] [indecipherable]. The demand for reform, is altogother lukewarm and scarcely any, except a few of the [indecipherable], seem to wish a {lazy?] extension of the franchise. The examples of the [4?] States and Australia, have gone a long way to temper the arduous of [indecipherable] [eastern?] liberals. [indecipherable] speech on reform is [just?] worth your perusal; and though his [indecipherable] [indecipherable] sentiments are of small reliable value, still [he?] [indecipherable] [indecipherable] up, sometimes tells how the [indecipherable] blows. You will find the report, on the second reading of [Mr?] [Barnes?] £6. [indecipherable] Bill. 
Politics at Sydney seem deplorably

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