State Library of NSW
[Page 069]
my dear son William - desiring that my son Edward may have any article he may wish to possess as a token of remembrance of his Parents.
(Signed) Elizabeth Macarthur December 23rd 1848.
The above memorandum is in duplicate.
I leave to my dear son Edward the Plate, Books, Linen & furniture in the House at Parramatta provided he may desire to return to this Country to reside. Should he not do so, I then bequeath these things to my dear son William desiring that my son Edward may select out of the above any articles he may wish to possess as a remembrance of his Parents & such as may be of easy transmission. X The stock on the Estate at Parramatta to revert to my sons - My gold watch the gift of my late Husband I give to my daughter Mary - I wish a Carriage and a pair of horses to be allowed to remain at Parramatta for the use of my daughter Emmeline as long as she may continue to occupy the home at Parramatta.
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