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I am sorry you do not like my successor.  I assure you he is a very amicable and well informed man - He took up the Jury question hastily I think & like all strangers, was most likely I wd and done had I come in as he did, took up that wh. we here set so much value over & that I for one have my doubts of its value- I regret to hear he has attended many public meetings because they are not fit for his station & tho they may compliment him they may abuse him & as likely as not [indecipherable] him.  I do not know what your new Chief will do.  I saw him but once & as he was not very inquisitive (except abt. crockery & furniture) I was not very communicative - I own I have my misgivings - Indeed what can any Govr do.  It is the system must be charged & tho they may cease to land any more convicts they must consider they have 20,000 already to control besides the freed & independent gentry!  -Tho' Ld' Brougham has done much good in the Chancry by [indecipherable] & leaving not even any arrears & then  destroying all the ill gotten & getting gains of lawyers who fatten on the delays & their client [indecipherable] he has not given our friend B. [Bigge?] any thing yet; but I believe something is in view at least he hinted to me when I left Town - I wrote to him the other day about your kind [indecipherable] page  - Now my dear James I shall fatigue you no longer - this cannot be consid. a family letter, but remember me most affectionately to your father & mother & sisters  [indecipherable] with Hannibal Anna & all their little tribe - I had like to see Charles [indecipherable] - Tell Emmeline I hope

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