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13th September 1914.
From - Lieut. -Col. J. Paton, V.C., O.C. Garrison.
To - Colonel W. Holmes, D.S.O., V.D., Brigadier Commanding.
Referring to my message of 9-25 p.m. on 12/9/14, Major Beardsmore reports that he has investigated the death of the Native Constable (Looloo) who was shot by Private Stein at 7-30 p.m. last evening, 12/9/14. Looloo was armed and on being challenged ran away and was fired on. This statement is confirmed by another Native Constable named Agooroo and the remainder of the guard.
Major Beardsmore states that he has assured natives of friendly intention that no harm will be done them providing they stop when challenged.
Captain Maguire, A.A.M.C., has certified hat the man was killed instantly and arranged for the burial of the man.
(2) 'A' Coy. reports by signal at 7-35 a.m. 13/9/14 to have taken up position on the hill (to the East) and that all is quiet there.
(3) Captain Norrie O.C. 'B' Coy. is searching country to the North of the town of Rabaul.
(4) All is quiet in the town.
(5) Mr. Robert Jolly, Brother of the British Consul at Rabaul, called this morning, and stated that he, the Vice-Consul, Mr. Miller and several British citizens here who have been placed under a stringent parole by the Germans, will be present at my H.Q. at 9-0 a.m. 13/9/14 (this morning) to ascertain their position.
(Sgd.) E.W. Kirke. Lieut.