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Tuesday 18th August, 1914. You will act under the instructions of the Rear-Admiral Commanding H.M.A. Fleet, on land in the event of receiving no orders, or in any emergency, will carry out the objects set out in Paras. 1 and 4 in such manner as may seem best.
(7) So far as it does not conflict with orders issued by the Admiral, the troops from Thursday Island, referred to under Para. 5, will come under your command, and form part of the Australian Naval and Military Expedition.
A copy of these instructions will be given to the Commanding Officer of the Detachment from Thursday Island.
(8) It is reported by the Admiralty that up to a year ago there were no permanent defences on any German possessions in the Pacific, except for Tsing Tau (China). Mines, however, may be expected at any German Ports and possibly guns have been sent out recently. It is known that Rabaul lends itself to defence, the harbour being described as a small Port Arthur.
The native armed constabulary (strength 600) are distributed throughout New Guinea. They are provided with German Officers.
It is also likely that the male population (many of whom will be German Reservists) are armed and employed to protect wireless stations, cable landings and other vulnerable points.
(9) The occupation referred to in Para 4 is sufficiently carried out by maintaining detachments at the chief place of each territory, such as New Guinea, Neu Pommern, or the principal island of a large group.
10. Wireless stations should be destroyed or rendered useless if they cannot be worked by us.
11. Further details will be added to this before you leave, probably by wire, but in any case your first destination is Thursday Island, from which you will not go without orders from the Admiral or Head Quarters.
12. Intelligence information is forwarded separately.
[Signed] J. M. Legge, Col.
Chief of the General Staff.