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The Brigadier Commanding:
S i r;
I have the honour to inform you that Sub-Lieut. Webber reported on his return that the prisoner was seen on horseback by his advance party at 12-15 p.m. He had a letter a/d to the R.A.C. Sub-Lieut. Webber endorsed the letter so that he could pass through rearguard. This occurred about 7 miles out from Herbertshohe.
Prisoner arrived at Herbertshohe at 3-30 p.m. When asked to explain delay he stated that he went to his house to have lunch, and feed and water his horse, and also stated that his horse had had no feed since early morning. It is observed that he took over 3 hours to do 7 miles on a horse, which was fresh on arrival, and in fact again passed Sub-Lieut. Webber's party on hour afterwards when it was on its way back.
Prisoner was detained on his arrival at Herbertshohe, because Sub-Lieut. Webber considered that after he had originally intercepted him, he suspected him of giving the enemy information of the presence of his party and movements.
Prisoner was armed with a loaded revolver and greatly objected to giving up his weapon and repeatedly asked for it back. Also objected strongly to a sentry being put over him and had to be put in a closed room to keep him from observing the Infantry's movements.
Dr. Runge (Government Medical Officer) was in the room obtaining a pass from me soon after prisoner was detained and prisoner informed him that he had taken the Admiral's summons to the Chief Police Master, whereas in fact he had not done so, the Summons having been taken out by a Native rider, who did not return.
We were before informed by Dr. Runge and Mr. Mirow (Forsyth Bros) that Native Boys when sent out in the morning to report arrival of ships did not return, the reason being that the boys would be unable to inform us of the position of any enemy's force in the bush.
Sub-Lieut. Webber will reach ship some time to-morrow.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
(S.M.F. Finlayson, Lieut. Commander.