Item 05: General William Holmes reports of operations and instructions for officers, 1914-1915 - Page 117

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Flagship to "Berrima", 9-40 a.m.:- You must keep German prisoners for the present.

Flagship to "Melbourne", 10-34 a.m.:- German Wireless Engineer shall take to Sydney ------Fleet W.T Office is to be prepared to land with Torpedo Lieut. of Flagship to select a site at Rabaul after arrival of Flagship.

"Warrego" to Flagship, 11-25 a.m.:- Commander Beresford's estimate is based on the difficulty of transport and the distance from pier to W/T Stn; observing valuable time is taken up in getting messages to W/T stn. and back Despatch is being used by Commander Beresford.

O.C. Infantry to Brigadier, 11-30 a.m.:- E. & F. Coys remaining garrison at Herbertshohe under Capt. Twynam. I am returning to "Berrima" now.

Flagship to "Protector", 11-36 a.m.:- You are to anchor off Herbertshohe before dark in "Sydney's" present billet, and remain there until further orders.  Continuous wireless watch is to be kept.

Shore Stn to Brigadier, 1-57 p.m.:- Assist. Dr. Steaneke requires pass to visit front to attend wounded.  Can I allow him to proceed? (Sgd. O.C. Herbertschohe).

Brigadier to O.C. Hedrbertshohe, 2-15 p.m.:- If you satisfied as to bona fides of Doctor you may comply.

Capt. Morrison to Brigadier, 2-35 p.m.:- I had a message from Lieut. Mayer to get his clothes from Dr. Runge.  The Dr. states that the clothes have been ransacked and most things stolen.

Brigadier to Capt. Morrison, 2-55 p.m.:- Lieut. Mayer had better come in himself then you can arrest him.

Capt. Travers per "Warrego" to Brigaider and R.A.C., 3 pm:  Have just returned on board "Warrego"; have brought ten white prisoners and commandeered motor lorry.  Lieut. Bond has taken up strong defensive position at wireless.  I understand he has been ordered to withdraw and motor lorry is returning for his stores, etc.

Brigadier to Capt. Travers, 3-15 p.m.:- Send prisoners by "Warrego" to Rabaul;.  "Berrima" just leaving Herbertshohe for Rabaul.  Send motor lorry on completion to Herbertshohe and join me yourself on "Berrima" as soon as possible.

Flagship to "Berrima", 4-25 p.m.:- Signalling was noticed last night from Mount Towanunati, the high peak to North of Rabaul.  Arms and ammunition found in the lighters in port have been removed.  The lighters containing coal are moored between the piers.  A kite apparently fitted for wireless purposes was sent up this morning close to sheds flying Japanese flags bearing North.  The kite in question appeared to be 50 feet long and 8 men were employed in handling it.

Flagship to "Berrima", 5-10 pm:- 26 Black and 8 German prisoners are arriving from Herbertshohe in motor boat tonight.  They will be sent to you and are to be placed in safe custody.

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