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As the above heading signifies these are two distinct bodies of men - The Native Constabulary in Herbertsohe & Rabaul number 80 men, they are used as Town & District Police.

The Expeditionary Force number up to 150 men are a fighting Force organised to assist the Constabulary especially in out lying centres, to put down risings of Natives and to act as a Punitive Expedition when necessary.

The two forces are very well drilled smart men and under improved conditions would make a smart efficient & trustworthy force.

Working under the same management are the Government Stables & the Government Labourers.  Owing to there being no railway lines or tramways the stables supply the means of transit for Government Offices in the execution of their work.  This departments has been very badly managed in the past, the class of horse unsuitable for the work and the country, and the horse management a disgrace.

The Government Labourers are a body of Natives 200 in number who do the street cleaning, attending to Sanitary matters, roads, draining and are employed on any Government work, and when water is scarce as in the present drought they carry pales of water slung on bamboo poles to the various houses.

The Organisation of the above has been under the direct supervision of two Officers and six Staff Sergeant Majors (white) stationed at Rabaul & a Staff Sergeant Major in each locality where there were any Native Police, who also in that locality attended to all Native affairs.

Current Status: 