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It has prospered so well that in 1893 the whole amount advanced - allowing for permanent Government assets - had been repaid.
  Since 1880, the Hungarian Government has distributed, besides mulberry seed in quantity, 800,000 rooted plants, and has in its district nurseries two millions of young trees preparing for distribution.  
In 1880, Hungary produced 10,000 kilogrammes of cocoons; in 1891, 1,110,000 kilogrammes; which returned to the growers respectively £825 and £91,400.
In 1880, 1721ozs. of silk-worm eggs were prepared to be used by the growers, by specially qualified workmen; last year, 40,000ozs. were prepared.  In the preparation of these eggs last year 754 special workwomen were employed.
  Japan does a large trade in export of silk-work eggs (or graine) alone.  Sir George Dibbs said, during an interview which he kindly granted to the committee of the Woman's Silk-growing Association, that he himself had been a passenger from Japan in a large vessel in which half the cargo had been these tiny eggs.

  As to expenses and profits per acre, various estimates are made.  The one on our prospectus, that from an acre planted with 500 trees a return of £37 10s. may be expected is given on the 

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