Volume 65: Macarthur-Onslow correspondence, 1846-1929: No. 128
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[Page 128]
[continued from page 129]
drowning - & that there are no Lambs this year - Uncle George does not mention this, but he speaks of there being 40,000 sheep wh is the number to wh Neil says they are reduced by the loss of 14,000, so of course it is true. How the debt or even the int. of it can be pd off at his rate, I can't think. The interest on the debt to Mr Peter has never been pd & that is mounting up with compound interest.
I sometimes think it will kill my Father, and as to Uncle William tho' he is better off - & ought to be able to bear it better he does not. The only comfort is that is better to be deceived & robbed than to deprive others of their means of living. Aunt Harriet is rather better, wonderful to say. It is now supposed to be an abscess wh. has broken & she may get over it.
Hoping that the next mail may bring good accts. of you, Arthur & the children (the only pleasant tidings the Aust. mail can bring us.)
I am dear Elizt.
Yr affect. Sister
G.I. Onslow