State Library of NSW
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a portion of his flocks rather than dispose of them at Sydney at the present reduced prices, & form an Establishment in these parts he could meet his views on the most liberal terms; by granting to any extent in proportion to the stock actually imported at the estimated value of 1/6 P acre & without attaching any other condition to it w.d forthwith make the Grant out sign & seal it - thus supposing your sheep to be worth £3 each add to this the freight £2. this w.d entitle you to 60 acres of land - I told him I w.d communicate it but from the course your father told me he sh.d adopt of extending his flock & improving the fleece regardless of the carcass I did not think you w.d be induced to entertain this idea - especially as it must be carried on by Agency & I do not think you & Mr. [indecipherable] - You may propose from me ( if I have no chance of being Scolded) to send Emmeline with a flock of lambkins & a crook to rival La Bergeré [indecipherable]!! if she w.d ride about as her mother did in former days - But joking apart, if any steady man w.d come here with 3 or 4000 £ in such stock & go at once to his grant bringing with him 2 years Provisions he w.d in time have a most respectable Establishment - but no one ought to think of coming who will not set his shoulder to the
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