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All the English trees grow there in Perfection the streets are very wide & have a row of fine trees on each side  one street a double row each side. The Blue ficus was in full blossom such large flowers! & fine full leafed trees - we went to our Gold mine and saw the crushing machinery at work Oh! such a sound 28 tons of gold has been taken out of this mine it is in the middle of the Tour - 1600 feet below the surface. We then took Trains & returned to Melbourne 5 1/2 hours we had come up the day before Mary Wilson was with me we were very good travellers

Tell Sib I am always delighted with her letters they give one a good idea of your doings. I am very glad the Boys are all doing well - I hope to live to see you all in your home again. I hear Mrs Mort who is home with her Boys longs to be here again!! Good Mothers. I will get P to enclose this which is not worth 6d but conveys my best love to all

ever dear Elizabeth
Yrs affect
E. King      

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Partially transcribed