Volume 65: Macarthur-Onslow correspondence, 1846-1929: No. 519

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[page 519]

336 Agricultural Gazette of N.S.W  (May 1, 1929.

commonly found near the sea-coast in other parts of the world.  The great inconvenience we find is from the rocks and the labour of clearing away the woods which surround us, and which are mostly gum trees of a very large size, and which are only useful as firewood, though i think that when we can cut them down in the winter and give them time to season they may be made useful in building.

Governor Phillip to Lord Sydney
Sydney Cove, Port Jackson,
30th October, 1788.
Your Lordship will see by my former letters the little progress we have be able to make in cultivating the lands, and, I presume, the necessity of a few proper persons being sent out to superintend the convicts, as well as settlers, who have been used to cultivation, for at present this settlement affords only one
[Sketch of Sydney Cove, Port Jackson in the County of Cumberland, New South Wales. July 1788]
1 A small House building for the Governour
2 A Farm: 9 Acres in corn
3 Lieutenant Governour's house
4 The principal Street marked out
5 Ground intended for the Governour's House, Main Guard & Criminal Court
6 Ground intended for buildings hereafter
7 Ground intended for the Church
8 8 Ground intended for Storehouses
9 The Hospital
10 The Observatory Longitude 151o19o30o [?] Latitude 33o52o30o[?]
NB: Temporary Buildings and Huts are [tt &c?] permanent Buildings proposed, or now erecting are [p p & c.?] BBBB Temporary Buildings]

person that I can employ in cultivating the land in the public account.  Most of the officers have cultivated a little ground, but it is merely for their own convenience, and none more than a single acre, except the Lieutenant-Governor, who has about three acres.  I have sixteen acres in a small farm in the public account.  It must, my Lord, be settlers with the assistance of the convicts, that will put this country in a situation for supporting its inhabitants.  .  .  .

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