State Library of NSW
[Page 503]
The Committee desire to acknowledge the great services rendered to the cause by Mrs J. C. ELLIS and Miss F. LEVVY, who have devoted much time and money in the formation of these Bands. In sending to the Heads of Schools, and disseminating Literature of an attractive nature for the young, the Committee are persuaded they adopt one of the best plans for remedying a serious omission in education. It is also intended occasionally to offer prizes for Essay writing among Scholars at the Public and Private Schools throughout the Colony, upon the subject of Kindness towards Animals. ____________ RULES.
Donations are earnestly solicited to enable the Committee to purchase books, periodicals, and leaflets, for distribution among school children, also for giving prizes for Essay writing, and will be acknowledged by the Hon. Treasurer, Miss ALLWOOD, Edgecliffe Road, or the Hon. Secretary, Mr SIDNEY, 53 Elizabeth Street.
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