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Oh, that our wealthy, with their tenderly-guarded daughters, could realise what the life of these homeless women really is. Can nothing be done? It can. Co-operative, productive enterprise will meet the difficulty.
To begin with the Silk Industry, what are its possibilities? The return in Italy alone from the land devoted to silk culture - an area which would be contained in one of our electorates - is about £6,000,000 annually. In Piedmont 240 tons of cocoons find their way weekly to the markets during the silk season, grown chiefly in small quantities by cottagers each with only a few trees.
The return per acre from the land under mulberry in Europe, at lowest all round estimates, averages £24 10s. It will hardly be credited, in contrast to this, that all the return from our 100,000,000 acres devoted to wool-growing in New South Wales, worked with over £100,000,000 of capital, is only, on the most liberal estimate, 1s 9d per acre, but such is actually the case. Wheat returns an average of £2 10s to the acre; maize, £5 5s the acre; and sugar-cane £7 10s to £10 the acre.
From the Board of Trade returns we learn that in Hungary the Government has advanced, since 1880, about £700,000 for the encouragement of this industry.