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489 A 4ft, 6in. square wood pedestal, 3 majolica jardinieres and saucers, and the remainder of the palms, ferns, plants, &c.
China and Glass
The crimson band and richly gold Coalport Dinner Service, comprising:
493 Four vegetable dishes and covers, salad bowl, 96 meat plates, and 12 soup plates
494 The turquoise rope-pattern and gilt dinner service, comprising 145 meat plates, 12 soup plates
495 The hand-painted turquoise and gilt dessert service, comprising 2 large centre compotiers, 4 tall compotiers, 4 low ditto, and 18 plates
496 The red figured fluted and gilt Staffordshire breakfast service, comprising 8 cups, 11 saucers, 2 B and B plates, milk jug, 10 plates and slop basin
497 Two hand-painted rose-pattern turquoise and gilt tall dessert compotiers, with Parian figure supports
498 Shaped grey-flowered china afternoon tea tray, with sugar basin and cover, and 6 cups and saucers en suite
499 The very handsome richly-gilt "Spode" porcelain Tea and Coffee Service comprising 16 tea cups and saucers, 10 coffee cups and saucers, sugar basin and cover, milk ewer, slop basin and 2 B and B plates
500 The flowered and blue and gilt line tea and breakfast service of about 50 pieces
501 About 40 pieces of Japanese china, various
502 Flowered china bowl and cover, a ditto sauce boat, a painted china goblet, a horn bowl and a flowered and gilt pink-band tray, with 3 receivers and covers