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1876            Sept & Oct 

25 Mon
Mrs P [Veitch?] came. did not go out. cold & clear E only etc etc

26 Tu
Did not get out

27 Wed
E & A took little Georgie to Sydney to see Dr Brereton 
Out in carriage with Wm. 

28 Th
Heard that little Georgie had Diptheria
Out with Wm in Carriage

29 Fri
Went to the school 
Went to Garden with Wm

30 Sat
Arthur returned had to hurry [Indecipherable] to go to Sydney to be with dear E. at Pfahlerts Hotel

1 Oct Sun
Went to church St Philip's in afternoon - a sermon for the children
Susan Macleay came


Current Status: 
Ready for review