Volume 64: Emily Macarthur [Mrs. James Macarthur] correspondence and other papers, 1838-1879: No. 439
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[Page 439]
1876. January
3 Mon
E. A children Annie Fanny Bridget Wilmot Grice & Chris to Cobbitty Christmas tree went to see Mrs [Elout?] not well
4 Tu.
Wm to Sydney - [Indecipherable] at night.
5 Wed
Wm returned
Mrs Hillier & Ellen to tea with children - quite cold - At night the dreadful scene of Bridget [Indecipherable] a bad commencement of new year.
6 Th
The Dr came for Bridget & giving no favourable opinion of Bridget alas!
7 Fri
Dr L. came Bridget somewhat better. Her letters came. Arthur to [Indecipherable] about church matters Mr Thorne & Barrets came
8 Sat
Mrs Fraser came - also Father Dillon - Arthur to Menangle about Church matters - Mr Thorne & Barrets came Mr & Mrs Downes called
9 Sun
Bridget rather better - did not go to church A & Children went with Mrs Fraser & Annie