Volume 64: Emily Macarthur [Mrs. James Macarthur] correspondence and other papers, 1838-1879: No. 300
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Bristol Hotel - London
15th Mch
My darling Son
How tiresome that I now am only answering yr January letter, so long ago. I hope long before this that you have had rain to cool your air, & to make yr vegetation green. We have such a mild winter, indeed no cold weather at all, I may say. I have enjoyed it, & so has George - now we may have cold winds, but surely we cannot have any real winter so late - I believe this freedom from frost is not considered good for the country. I mean agriculture in general.
I find I have begun on the wrong side of my sheet - & cannot begin again. I hope no one will come in, for I want to have a good coze with you.
Many thanks to you for the Photos. I think Sibilla has a very dear face with a nice expression. Arthur very pretty & interesting looking, &