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[Page 45]

St Osyth,
Orlando Av,
tues 19th 1907

My Dear Mother,
How is Hal is he any better 
I hope you and Hal will be able to come go out of Mudgee soon. Can I go up for Easter, we break up m next Thursday weak  and have ten days.
It h  Will you wright pretty soon plees as I want to get ready if I do,

It has been raining ever since wensday but to day is is bri  bright but uncle Fred said we shal  have some more, and one of the boys said that the paper said we were going to have some more 3 weaks rain.  It is begining to get cold down hear but I think we will have more rain warm weather.  Aunt Katie has got a new servant as Dasey has left. I will have to leav abt now as I have to get to school.

Give my love to Hal Freddy and Father and much love to your self.
Your loving son .  Rob.

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